Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I dislike mining. :(

Yep, so I've been on holiday with my crew (family) and I JUST got back.
I managed to not die of boredom and mined my way to 60.

Currently my lowest skill (non-member) is smithing. (It's 36 )
And since I don't have a lot of gpz to buy bars and smith them I'll just have to make my own bars. This means I'm stuck with my pickaxe. AGAIN. :'(

So yeah, that's basically what I've been upto.


  1. Uhh, if your'e f2p Iron is the most statiscally cost-effective metal to smith, but steel can be made into steel nails which will sell for around half the price of the bars. Making bars is too slow for anything really, unless you like being bored. If you are p2p however, then goldsmith gaunts will get you quick xp (but still costly-like steel nails but faster). You could also try smithing something like Iron Knives or nails-something that will sell, if your'e p2p. And nice blog.

  2. Thanks for the advice mate, appriciate it. :)
    And thank you, again.
